Covid-19: closure of Volvo Group in Sweden. Guaranteed the inbound freight into Australia from CJD.

COVID-19 has caused widespread supply chain pressure and production disruptions. As a consequence of the rapid spread and rise of COVID-19 cases and the impact on production facilities around the world, the Volvo Group has announced a temporary shut-down of all its business operations across Sweden, including those of Volvo Construction Equipment.

Source: Volvo trucks

The shut-down is effective from Monday, March 23rd until further notice. While they don’t know how long the shutdown will be in place, the situation will be closely monitored so that we may provide timely updates as changes occur.

This is not an easy decision for the Volvo Group to make, but necessary to protect its employees and secure the future of the company. The temporary closure of Volvo Group in Sweden will no doubt create challenges as they endeavor to support their customers, however, they have been assured a priority will be placed on vital customer support areas including spare parts distribution, critical technical support and machine shipments as appropriate. While some shipment delays will be inevitable, CJD is working closely with Volvo to ensure importance will be placed on inbound freight into Australia.

CJD has an operations team that has been careful about planning and forecasting supply chain challenges. They provide over 90% of parts out of their own warehouses. They have already taken various actions to increase their parts holding at each of their warehouses and have continually monitored stock levels and lead times to identify potential risks to ensure the highest level of support to their customers in these uncertain times.

Source: CJB Equipment

Covid-19: closure of Volvo Group in Sweden. Guaranteed the inbound freight into Australia from CJD. published on HeavyQuip Magazine.

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