Hastings Deering announced the launch of a new Cat Hose Facility at the North Coast Business Centre, Caboolture.
Mario Cadeddu, Operation Manager said that this new capability on the North Coast ensures customers will get a faster and more efficient service experience.
The new 40-foot container is a custom-built assembly workshop, stocked with Caterpillar Hose and couplings products.
Featuring a hose press, hose saw, reusable press, and a digital ‘Crimputer,’ the container provides a fully functional workshop allowing a hose technician to comfortably produce custom products for customers quickly.
“Previously, our North Coast customers would have their hose and couplings back-ordered from Brisbane or our Hose van.”
“The new onsite capabilities mean that hoses will be custom made, distributed locally, and be available for our customers much faster, helping to minimize downtime,” he said.
With a custom delivery vehicle assigned to the distribution of hose orders, customers will no longer have to wait for the hose van availability.
“We identified a gap in our service offering with the availability of our hose van and delays in shipping from further business centers.”
“Hastings Deering invested in getting this capability on-site and we’re looking forward to delivering unrivaled service to customers in this region.”
With decades of experience, manufacturing excellence, and rigorous testing, Cat Hose and couplings solutions are designed for all equipment and applications.
“Our aim is to make sure our customers are getting their hoses faster and making sure their machines are working reliably, for longer,”
said Mr. Cadeddu.
Source: Hastings Deering